Monday, March 02, 2009


Hands grasp me. My body
pulsates, I struggle. His gentle
touch overpowering, I swell.
A puffer fish using her spines.

Sweat, Rancid and old,
Chlorine and sulphur
Ooze from my pores
The stench of panic.

I scream, weep, plead
for help. Yell for solitude.
Cry of loneliness, howl of despair.
Mind broken, voice intact.

Bitter bile rises and
consumes me. Salt replaces
bitterness, Nauseous my
stomach seizes in pain.

He catches me, I struggle,
slipping through strong arms.
Rodent like I bite, rejecting
comfort, seeking dark corners.

I'm dropped. Crawling back
I plead. Arms reach out, I
wrench back. Writhing on the
Floor, a slug in a salt bath.

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